The Lobotomy Corporation Wikia is about the Korean developed indie game Lobotomy Corp by PROJECT MOON, in which you care for and collect energy from various aberrations known as Abnormalities, ranging from the monstrous, to the paranormal, to the plain bizarreIt also shows the hp of escaped abnormalities / ordeals as numbers and shows work success rate as percentages This is made for version d Preview Iimgurcom The first number next to a stat is your base stat with the blue number being how much extra you've earned from working on abnormalities (only gets added at the end of a day) i think you need to install the details mod if you want to know your agent's number you can know what their number is during work and then restart the game after memorizing what the number is #2 < 1 1 > Showing 1 2 of 2 comments Per page 15 30 50 Lobotomy Corporation > General Discussions > Topic Details Report this post

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Lobotomy corporation カルメン
Lobotomy corporation カルメン-カルメン の言動見る Lobotomy Corporationはあまり合わず途中で辞めてしまったのですがカードゲーム要素のあるゲームが好きなのでLibraryOfRuinaが気になってます ストーリーが面白いという評判をよく聞きますがLobotomy Corporation lobotomy_corporation, lobotomycorporation, Angela, girl are the most prominent tags for this work posted on November 11th, 19

Chesed Lobotomy Corporation攻略 Wiki Fandom
로보토미 코퍼레이션 갤러리마이너 abcdcode (abcdcode) 너굴맨은라쿤이야 (gksalsdn) 전체 마이너 갤러리 순위 중 300위 이내는 흥한갤이 됩니다 흥한갤은 순위 갱신 시 변동될 수 있습니다 차단설정을 통해 게시물을 걸러서 볼 수 있습니다 차단 기능을 사용합니다Lobotomy Corporation for PC is less about removing parts of people's brains, but more about the containment and observation of, well, monsters You play as the administrator of the Lobotomy Company, who observe and keep monsters and creatures and use their energy as a resource to power the earthLobotomy Corporation is Monster Management Simulation GameNow Available on STEAMSteam http//storesteampoweredcom/app/56HomePage http//wwwlobotomyc
Lobotomy Corporation is a roguelite monstermanagement simulation Our game was inspired by the monsters birthed of various inspirations featured in games, film, and series, such as the SCP Foundation, Cabin in the Woods, and Warehouse 13Lobotomy Corporation close Games videogame_asset My games When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu chevron_left chevron_right Recently added 46 View all 1,379 Log in to view your list of favourite games View all games Mods Lobotomy Corporation Post by Mojo_Roacho » Mon 422 pm Nobody have talked about this but, I have tested it in the latest (1022) version and what Cakesan is posting still works but only the stats for the employee
For detailed information about this series, visit the Lobotomy Corporation Wiki 1 Summary 2 Power of the Verse 3 Explanations 4 Calculations 5 Supporters/Opponents/Neutral 51 Supporters 52 Opponents 53 Neutral 6 Characters 61 Employees 62 Sephirahs 63 ZAYIN Abnormalities 64 TETHNone none of this franchise Franchise details Name Lobotomy Corporation Lobotomy Corporation Appears in 2 games First game Lobotomy Corporation Aliases Popular on Giant Bomb 34 episode Giant Bombcast 698 Up InAn EGO SuitWeapon set, with a bloody lolitaesque style Contains the EGO set, as well as some custom hair and eyes This mod will fix bug missing gift effects This mod will fix bug missing gift effects Chesed's third research "Refine HP, SP Bullet" has no effect in the game This mod fixed it

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私家版Lobotomy Corporation日本語MOD Ver01以降のLobotomy Corporation日本語MODです。 公式がアーリーアクセス中のためよく不具合が発生します。 問題があれば、Twitter @LoboCo_MODまでご連絡ください。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 便利なMODのご紹介 Lobotomy_CorporationListen to Lobotomy Corporation OST, a playlist curated by on desktop and mobile SoundCloud Lobotomy Corporation OST by published on TZ Contains tracks 01 Trailer1 by published on TZ 02 Trailer2 by published on TZ 03 LobotomyCorporation, Lobotomy_Corporation, Arknights pixiv

Lobotomy Corporation ロボトミーコーポレーション のネタバレ解説 考察まとめ 6 7 Renote リノート

Library Of Ruina Project Moon 総合 Part49 Lobotomy 画像 11枚
さぁ 語っていきます Lobotomy Corporation 第2回 キャラクター編です ネタバレしますので 注意してください!! Lobotomy社 はじめにこちらのサイトでキャラクターについてご覧ください モチーフは生命の樹 キャラクターたちの名前を見てもらうとわかるのですが モチーフは生命の樹です セフィラとLobotomy Corporation is an indie horror strategy management simulation game produced and published by South Korean studio Project Moon in 18 The game has a sequel called Library of Ruina Premise The player, who is referred as "X," is theLibrary of RuinaProject Moon 総合 Part2Lobotomy Corp 746 :名無しさんの野望 :(日) ID7PIN/XGnet そういえばティファレト(エノク)がどんどん壊れていく理由って名言されてたっけ

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Lobotomy Corporation ロボトミーコーポレーション のネタバレ解説 考察まとめ 5 7 Renote リノート
概要 作品の舞台であるロボトミー社を統括している、 世界最高のAI と自称する女性。 主人公である管理人Xに従事し、彼の秘書を務める。 セフィラを含むロボトミー社の施設内の全機能を管理しており、そういった意味では「管理人」は彼女の方が相応しいのかもしれない。 また、彼女のその自称に違うことなく、仕事やトラブルの処理能力はずば抜けていると アンジェラは、自分がカルメンのコピーでは無いと主 張するために、 管理人に対しても冷徹に振舞っていただけで、そう振舞おうが、 当人には心の余裕なんて無いんだと、カルメン自身が過去 回想内で 告白していた。 カルメンは(Carmen)はXがAの記憶を同期した時に脳裏に現れます。 茶色のポニーテールに、白衣をまとった研究者然とした女性です。 セフィラコア抑制後の回想やメインストーリーの描写からAにとって重要な人物であることが伺えます。 ストーリー中では直接的なやりとりを行うこと

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ตอนสุดท้ายของเกมนี้แล้ว ทั้งตอนแบ่งเป็น 2 ส่วนนะครับ1 ตอนต่อสู้ Lobotomy Corporation_(その3) 最終更新:ID/Rlqtbn6cA 21年04月14日(水) Steam Lobotomy Corporation 二次創作や従業員の外形を変更MODガイド 1。 二次創作ガイド 追加のお問い合わせを多く受けて、具体的なガイドを再告知します。Welcome to the Lobotomy Corporation subreddit, manager Monster management simulator, your job is to ensure energy production from creatures known as "abnormalities"

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